Selahaddin Eyyubi Episode 7 With English Subtitles HD

Kudus Fatihi Selahaddin Eyyubi Episode 7 With English Subtitles

Saladin and his companions engaged in a bloody war with Gregor and his strongest men. but Saladin is on the verge of defeating Gregor and taking Ascalan, but the murder of the Turkmen lords in the palace turns everything upside down.

The tribes, but who were summoned to unite against the Crusaders, but now unsheathed their swords to take revenge and confront Sultan Nureddin.

Faced with this great danger, but Saladin begins to search for those responsible for the assassination that occurred in the palace.

Selahaddin Eyyubi Episode 7 With English Subtitles

A very secret and dangerous organization that has been dormant for a long time has awakened again under the leadership of the Lord of the Mountain, but and intends to end peace between the Muslims forever with the murders they carry out hiding in the shadows!

but Saladin rolls up his sleeves to find the traitors who have infiltrated deep into the palace and the camps, along a path full of traps at every step, but and reach the Lord of the Mountain.

Can Sultan Nureddin unravel this web of betrayal that extends deep into his palace and prevent fraternal blood from being spilled?

but Will the Lord of the Mountain succeed in his plan to make the Zengi fight against the Turkmen tribes?

Saladina, koji je upao u zamku koju je postavio Gospodar planine,

Nusreddin je uhvatio sa Izeddinovim lešom. but Dok se sultan Nureddin borio mačem sa Börilerom, on se neočekivano pojavio kao Gospodar planine “Rašidudin Sinan”.

Dok je Selahaddin uhapšen i odveden u palatu da mu se sudi, but on pobjegne iz Nusreddinovih ruku i krene za Reyhanijem kako bi preko njega osujetio igru ​​koja se postavlja na državu. but Neće se vratiti bez otkrivanja istine po svaku cijenu.

Sultan Nureddin zna da Böriler više neće biti zaustavljen. but Da ne bi prolio bratovu krv, donosi odluku koja šokira sve i but uzima İsmet Hatun kao zarobljenicu i odvodi je u palatu.

Ovaj potez sultana Nureddina za jedinstvo će zbuniti cijelu palatu, a posebno Melike Hatun.

Hoće li Saladin, kojeg blisko prate krstaši, but Böris, Nusreddin i ubice, uspjeti savladati zamke koje su mu postavljene jednu po jednu i doći do Reyhanija i osloboditi se krivice?

Hoće li Ismet, but kojeg je sultan Nureddin nasilno doveo u palatu, biti dovoljan da zaustavi rat sa Börilerima? but Hoće li Nusreddin otkriti tajnu koja će uzdrmati cijelu državu u slučaju opasnosti da Reyhani bude uhvaćen?



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